Intuitive Eating Coaching

Break free from diet culture & learn more about working with me.

The research is pretty compelling that diets don’t work. The diet industry takes in 72 billion dollars annually. The business model is dependent on repeat customers. They rely on you failing!!!

Everyone can lose weight, but sustainable weight loss is not possible for the vast majority,(95-98%). If you’ve been on diets and gained the weight back, you are in the vast majority. It’s not your fault.

Gaining the weight back is your body’s response to famine. Your body doesn’t know the difference between a diet and a famine. So, in essence your body is doing what it’s supposed to do!

How does this happen?

For every act of food restriction or deprivation there is an equal or greater binge.

I’ll be honest, just knowing that restricting food leads to bingeing, while life changing, is the first step to food freedom. Diet mentality often runs deep. It’s complicated. It initially requires a hyperconsciousness while you’re learning and incorporating the principles of intuitive eating into a daily practice. Much like learning drive at first, remembering each step is challenging, but over time it becomes natural. You wouldn’t try to learn to drive on your own, so why go it alone when learning to eat intuitively. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to not be in a battle with your body, and instead be able to peacefully co-exist with it? To be able to trust the signals and cues it gives you for hunger, fullness and satiety? To be able to enjoy a meal, and go on with your day without constantly thinking about food or your body? These freedoms are available to you and you can begin your journey right now by contacting me.

Intuitive Eating Coaching consists of weekly or bi-weekly video sessions where we work on goals like, incorporating Intuitive Eating into daily living, improving body image, decreasing internalized weight stigma, navigating medical visits, and anything else related to your journey.

Intuitive eating is an approach that teaches you how to create a healthy relationship with your food, mind, and body—where you ultimately become the expert of your own body.   You learn how to distinguish between physical and emotional feelings, and gain a sense of body wisdom.   It’s also a process of making peace with food—-so that you no longer have constant “food worry” thoughts.  It’s knowing that your health and your worth as a person do not change, because you ate a food that you had labeled as “bad” or “fattening”.
— Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch,

Want to start Intuitive Eating coaching?

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have, and help you book an appointment.

Coaching Testimonial

“For at least 3 years, Kathleen has coached me and has helped me tremendously with Intuitive Eating and Body Positivity. This work on eating and body image has changed my life completely. I’ve never felt happier than I do now. My relationship with food has mended and I owe all of this to Kathleen. I have lots of tools now to use when I am faced with situations around food or just my own overthinking. Working with Kathleen was truly a life changing experience. I feel blessed.”

-Kerry Billner